Client Success Stories

Global Wildlife Center needed a website redesign and brochure to encourage memberships and improve the functionality of booking online. With a new and improved user experience, WebMark Consulting Group delivered a highly functional and interactive web experience for their members.

Global Wild lIfe Home Page Display

Modern Website Design and Superior Functionality

The Challenge

Global Wildlife had a very outdated website that was difficult for their staff to integrate memberships and bookings. The distribution of information across the previous website and the brand elements needed much improvement. Their brochure was also severely outdated.

The Solution

WebMark created a staging site so there would not be any downtime for Global Wildlife’s members. We then designed the new website from scratch to produce a modern theme and user experience that reflects the Global Wildlife brand. 

Integration of specific plugins improved security, load time, and functionality for the site as a whole, which helped improve the Global Wildlife team’s process for memberships.

Built For The Future

The structure of the website build allows for the Global Wildlife Staff to easily edit the content of their website and add new and relevant images or events.

Like the results we produced for Global Wildlife?

User Experience + Functionality = Guaranteed Success

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